中国可再生能源学会 副理事长    孟宪淦
Venture Parner at NEA   PM Pai
PM is currently a Venture Partner at NEA, a 12 billion dollar US VC firm, based in Singapore, and is a core member of their energy team with special interests in Renewable energy areas including Solar energy . He has over 30 years of Operations, manufacturing and mass prodduction experience and has been in the recent past the COO of Sunpower Corporation one of the top 10 solar energy related companies in the world. As a member of the Sunpower start up team he was responsible for the complete operational aspects along with supply chain operations. Key areas of his responsibility included strategic planning , and rapid expansion of the operations on a world wide basis to ensure a leadership position for Sunpower in Solar Energy Industry. His past operations experience with various international companies include IBM , Tatas and Xerox in India. Most recently prior to Sunpower he served as President of Moser Baer India Ltd, a leading optical disc business where during his tenure he established and ramped up large scale manufacturing and distribution operations to lead the company to the third largest in the world in terms of market share. PM currently is on the board of several companies including Suniva, Deeya Energy , Aver-Q , ATS in USA and Asia and provides strategic advisory and consulting services.

演讲主题:Sustainable Competetive strategy development approaches
清洁能源协会(Clean Energy Associates)的创始人及营运总监安迪·科伦(Andy Klump)
Andrew Klump is Managing Director of Clean Energy Associates Ltd., an advisory firm working with solar manufacturers, EPCs, project development companies, and installers. His firm offers module and polysilicon procurement solutions, project development and other professional services with clients in Europe, North America, and Asia. Until August 2008, Mr. Klump was Vice President of Business Development for Trina Solar Limited where he managed Trina's international growth plans, JV/M&A activity, and the signing of long-term polysilicon agreements in over nine countries. Mr. Klump has experience in raising capital with Trina, helping the company raise near USD500 million through its IPO on the NYSE in 2006, and follow-on offerings in 2007 and 2008. Mr. Klump has worked in China since 2003, serving in executive management roles with Dell Inc. and Philip Morris International Inc. He received his bachelor's degree in economics from Northwestern University in 1998 and MBA degree from Harvard in 2003.
演讲主题:Anti-dumping: Overview (USA and European SolarWorld Petitions)
Timeline, Key dates
Implications for Chinese Solar PV cell and module manufacturers Market Pricing and Cost Analysis
How to obtain a power purchase agreement
Differences in Residential, Commercial, Utility-scale segment
Incentive overview (Tax credit, depreciation, State by State additional incentive)
Key Points to understand about US Market Conclusions
What to do about Anti-dumping case
Ways to enter or expand in the US market
上海新能源协会会长 朱元昊
1985年7月毕业于华东理工大学机械工程系;2000年2月毕业于美国杜兰大学工商管理专业;1985年7月至2001年2月,上海鼓风机厂有限公司; 2001年2月至2002年8月,上海市经委干部处挂职锻炼; 2002年8月至2004年9月,上海鼓风机厂有限公司总经理;2004年10月,上海电气环保集团副总裁;2005年1月,上海电气太阳能有限公司总经理; 2005年7月,上海交大泰阳绿色能源有限公司总经理。
主要贡献: 1、参与编制《太阳发电系统设计实践》,为中国光伏理论与光伏知识系统的研究领域提供重要参考数据; 2、率领团队承接上海市科委科研项目,负责"高效多晶硅太阳电池关键技术及中试研究"课题,带领中国企业生产第一线工作者对接政府政策与科研项目的实际需要,对重大项目进展起到及时的协调作用。3、作为团队的核心,主导交大泰阳"创新管理项目"。在创新思想的指引下,抓住目前太阳能行业飞速发展的好机遇,大力推进管理创新,技术创新,将交大实验室自主研发技术迅速产业化。作为团队的核心,主导交大泰阳"创新管理项目"。在创新思想的指引下,抓住目前太阳能行业飞速发展的好机遇,大力推进管理创新,技术创新,将交大实验室自主研发技术迅速产业化。